Ai Artists Currently Minting on SR?

Hi Everybody.

My name is Kevin Page and I’m an NFT artist with a special interest in artificial intelligence (“Ai”) generated or enhanced art. I curate Ai art for some other platforms and am the Director of the Known_Ai NFT Film Festival (drops May 6th).

I am interested in understanding how many artists that create art using Ai tools are actively minting on the SR platform? I’m reaching out to say “hi” and to see if there is any interest (in this forum, at any rate) in participating in art shows or group collabs specifically focused on Ai art?

I’ve been successful in bringing in a lot of Ai artists and mounting shows with them on other platforms, so please let me know if you’d like to see a dedicated Ai art program come to SR?

I look forward to hearing from you!


Hey @KevinPage you may want to check out SuperRare | NFT Art | NFT Art Marketplace | Digital Art

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This is awesome! Thx!

Hi @KevinPage, I’ve recently begun making AI art. I am not minting them on SR at this time, but if you want to check them out I have been posting a lot on my IG at Login • Instagram

I’m still new to the medium, but having an absolute blast creating with it. Looking to dive deeper and deeper always, please feel free to reach out with any opportunities related to AI! I’m all ears

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Yo Kevin! I believe we’re already in contact on twitter, but i’m @grebenshi there, just in case. i’m new to AI and did only mint some studies on objkt and formfunction, as i use SR only for the most finished pieces, but plan to come back here soon! would be happy to collaborate! :v:t5: @grebenshyo | Linktree

Hey, grebenshyo. Just seeing this message. Congratulations of engaging with Ai art making! It can be fun but also mind bending! I checked out your work. It’s really cool. I see you were a 3D person b/4 Ai!

On collaborations, I am just dropping a massive Ai collab with 17 artists (and myself). We have a Spatial Gallery première this wednesday. So, I should be opening for more collaboration opportunities soon! If you have something you’d like to propose, feel free to DM me on twitter and we can discuss there.

For Ai artists, we have a large twitter Spaces call today at 12pm EST Called “Ai WORLD” where we gather together the Ai community in general and discuss “everything Ai” which many find a helpful resource! Best of luck to you! I’ll look for you on Twitter!

hi there, kevin! amazing, thank you! and thanks so much for the infos and getting in touch (i think i just got confused cause we’re connected on SR actually)! yeah, i worked in 3d, but also traditionally as a painter and a digital painter before of that actually. i agree, ai is as serious of a field as it can get; as with everything else, my personal interest here is in using the tech/approach within the context of my own project, which’s focused on so-called ‘neuroaesthetics’ mostly, anyway.
best of luck to you too, especially with the coming event, i’ll check that out!
i’m based in europe and the time of the space might not be the best for me, but i know there are other opportunities for that, where we can meet (i already could listen in in another one of them with jeremy once e.g.), so see you soon!
keep in touch, feel free to drop me a line for anything you too, take care! :v:t5:

Thanks! You too! Best of luck!

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