Proposal to Reinstate Max Osiris as an Artist

Authors Bharat Krymo, Colborn Bell, Omz
Status Draft
Type Artist Reinstatement
Implementor SuperRare
Sponsor(s) @VanArman
Temperature Check Poll Discord
Created Date 01/24/2022

We propose reinstating Max Osiris as an Artist on SuperRare, so he can return to minting new works on the platform. We perceive this as a win/win for the artists and the platform.

Max Osiris was banned for the second and final time from SuperRare for minting |10|10|10 [EDIT] LOVE, a piece that utilized parts of other artists’ work. He was banned the first time for a similar issue, concerning a different artist’s work. However, as with Robness, appropriation is a part of art. Some of the most iconic works in the history of art involved the appropriation of IP. Max has also made significant contributions to the evolution of Crypto Art, and the Trash Art movement, in particular.

Reinstating Max would add value and diversity to SuperRare’s roster of artists, and is aligned with the values that underpin this space. Using a decentralized governance process to reverse previous decisions is a powerful act and sends an important signal to the whole community. It would reinforce the fact that SuperRare is a truly decentralized platform, and have a positive ripple effect throughout the space. It would send a strong signal on SuperRare’s differentiation given Meta’s entry into this space and the ability to sense and respond to the changing landscape of community/DAO based activism.

Artists may think that they can flout SuperRare’s terms and conditions, and get away with it.

Whitelist the following address for minting on SuperRare:

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I sponsor this - Pindar @VanArman

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Happy to see the very first proposal driven towards the cryptoart culture :fire: I fully support pushing the boundaries of IP and the appropriative nature of digital art. I have some notes and questions about the proposal:

First, can the author please add a specification section consistent with the required SIP template providing the Ethereum wallet address to be whitelisted?

Second, does the Artist have any objections to accepting the Terms of Service as is currently required as a condition of using the website to mint NFTs?

Third, this proposal strikes at the heart of some larger NFT ecosystem issues that SuperRare wants to help discuss, debate, and eventually solve - what is appropriate response for NFT platforms that receive infringement complaints relating to Artists’ minting conduct and what level of accountability must the Artist take in dealing with valid infringement complaints? I would like to invite the Authors and Artists for a thoughtful public discussion on these issues, and of course, to liberally preach cryptoart lore and ethos.

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It makes sense to me that the artists would have to re-agree to the terms and conditions.

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Since Max Osiris was a ‘repeat offender’, I believe he should not be allowed to return to SuperRare, this year at least. I recently voted to return ROBNESS, who I believe is a stronger voice as well as a less flagrant offender. And I strongly believe that the two artists should be seen as a ‘duo’, and be split up as disobedient children are. Not because these two are ‘children’, but because that method works (it happened to me more than once in elementary school). Reinstating both would signal that it’s OK TO DISS SUPERRARE (to steal Rob’s aesthetic momentarily), and that aint no good.