SuperRare Labs Release Notes (04-19-2024)

Hey everyone :wave: :snail:

Welcome to the second SuperRare Labs release notes! :tada:

We spent the past couple of weeks shipping a bunch of updates for the homepage alongside making significant improvements to our database and workflow processes! Homepage
  • Improved Hero Section.
  • Enhanced Artwork Row
  • Updated Section Header.
  • Improved Editorial Row for “Features.”
  • Enhanced Editorial Row for “Curated Conversations.”
  • Added Sub-nav Tabs for mobile devices.
  • Implemented Basic Call out banner.
Release Management
  • Enabled listing Release in RARE for purchase.
  • Corrected URL redirection issue after Release is minted. Homepage
  • Lots of planning!
  • Drafted designs based on wireframe ideas and CTAs.
  • Included static typing throughout the app.
  • Enhanced development efficiency.
  • Extensive DB maintenance
Process Improvements
  • Built internal analytics dashboards.
  • Automated some ticket actions.
  • Extended ticket system to new departments (more efficient + universal workflow).
  • Fixed broken Portfolio estimator in the Insights tab.
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Thank you for making these improvements. Nice to see the changes.